Today’s political landscape is a lot like ancient Israel under Roman rule. Back in that day, some people were accepting change, or even looking for it. Many others were just totally apathetic. And still others were wildly hostile and angry, and using forked tongues. Similarly, we are now in a time of mixed behaviors and reactions, where emotions get amped up. There are many similarities between what Jesus had to deal with back then, and what we see going on today. Spoiler alert: you do not want to be part of the tribe that stokes anger and division and dishonesty, only to see your civilization crumble. Love wins.
Resisting divide-and-conquer, then and now
The Roman’s were famous for the tyrannical divide-and-conquer strategy they used to overtake and rule the world. This was the environment in which Jesus had to operate. It is the same smothering blanket that oligarchs and rulers have thrown over both democracy and Christianity today.

Today’s welcome example of authentic Christian truth to power

Bishop Mariann Budde asked Trump for mercy. To ask a ruler to be merciful is in the tradition of the prophets of the Bible, but this made her a target. Let her be properly surrounded.
The Bishop’s words were exciting, inspiring, and unifying. Dignified, honest, and humble. If your version of faith causes you to be offended when the powerful ruler is asked for mercy, then you are not following Jesus – and you are in the minority – and He wants you back. Her words were like a pebble tossed in a pond, with waves rippling out.
No one knows the ways the Bishop’s action will help or the follow-up directions it will take. She lit a beautiful candle. There has been pent up demand and questions asked, like, “where are the Christians“?
Jesus operates above the political fray
Back in the day there was no one to instruct or encourage Jesus. He was (is) the New Covenant, empowered by God the Father, living among people by holy design.
Jesus was facing political and religious opposition in a super divided world. He was subjected to ridicule and rejection as people were pitted against each other. All this, while he was trying make huge changes. Still, he never used aggressive divisive tactics like his opponents. Instead, he deliberately chose respect and understanding, even when he was dealing with people who completely disagreed with him. In doing this, he was leading by example. He preached love and forgiveness, but maybe more important, he lived it.
In stories across the New Testament, Jesus was persistent and consistent in his approach. He turned the other cheek when needed, always stayed true to the gospel as taught, and closely identified with the people he engaged – their thoughts, feelings, and needs. Politics was not the first or driving interest, but he influenced and worked through it. That Jesus was so consistently able to do this can be considered Godly in itself.
The miracle healing of the Roman official’s son
A Roman official represented the very system that was oppressing Jesus’s people. The official’s son was dying, but Jesus still saw fit to heal him. Jesus compelled the man to believe and go to his son, who was miraculously healed. (Matthew 8:5–13; Luke 7:1–10; John 4:46–54)
Of course, we are not miracle makers. But we can all find common ground even when we are in the midst of huge differences. Even ideological differences. Instead of focusing on their differences, Jesus focused on their shared humanity.
Thoughts for people to develop and gain political power
Maybe Jesus was modeling a form of saintliness useful to political activists. The tactics, genuine loving kindness and understanding for positive helpful purposes, are open to all thinking caring people. You don’t have to be a saint, or even a Christian, to use them.
The difficult truth is that we Americans need every bit of positive energy and civil companionship we can muster. We are nearing the point where everything we say or do either helps or hurts – no middle ground or working around the edges. Each of us needs to consider where we come down, to be comfortable that we did the right things when we were under tyrannical threat. And for those that consider themselves Christian, be right by Jesus.
If you are right of heart, you can spot peoples’ distress and take advantage for the good of all. Strive and learn to be outgoing and engage people. Preserve your mental and physical health, to be open-minded and effective.

Americans are suppressed under divide-and-conquer again today
America still has countless heroes. Heroes are always all around us, choosing to do the right thing, no matter what. But today, divide-and-conquer political treachery is forcing more of us to resist in peaceful productive ways, as hard and as long as we can.
We in America now have a ruler, not a leader. The power he holds is beholden to the oligarchy, and all the money he plays with comes directly from the people. His tribe will stop at nothing, they are coming for everyone and everything. So, Christ’s political lessons can help.
Summarizing Jesus’s political lessons
In fact, our political actions today will shape our country in the world, the authenticity of our faith, and our success and happiness as people.
- The Jesus approach worked to override politics and to begin spreading Christianity around the world. He was able to overcome tyrannical Rome’s divide-and-conquer of the day. Love won then and can win again today.
- Jesus was not always passive and watched for opportunities to help and to appeal to human interests. As situations arose, he took action even if it was unpopular or unknown.
- There is growing urgency for an authentic faith response against tyranny in America. People need to see the need, prepare, and work for the sake of free democratic life.
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