Category: Politics

  • The First Clean-up Job for Harris: Biden’s Gaza Policy

    The First Clean-up Job for Harris: Biden’s Gaza Policy

    Karen Attiah today posted a Washington Post opinion piece titled: The first clean-up job for Harris is Biden’s horrible Gaza policy; young Americans won’t vote for further support of Israel’s brutal war. Yes, Ms. Attiah, Gaza policy is job one. It is encouraging that people are starting to rally around this most important issue, and…

  • President Harris Gets Only One Chance on the Important Issue

    President Harris Gets Only One Chance on the Important Issue

    The single most important issue eroding the well-being of America and Americans is the handling of the fascist Israeli state. Right now, (on top of genocide and colonialism, etcetera) the Israeli lobby is aggressively hollowing out the core of America. President Harris gets only one first chance to put fascism on notice, and it comes…

  • The Israel Lobby Is Now Pushing Democrats to the Tipping-Point

    The Israel Lobby Is Now Pushing Democrats to the Tipping-Point

    The Israel lobby is forcing the Democrats into a decision. Here is the deal: either be fully bought out and totally involved in fixing Israel’s growing problems, or everything goes to the Republicans. The Israel lobby has long owned the Republican party. Increasingly now, through tools like AIPAC, the Israel lobby is pulling in Democrats…

  • Minority Rule Is Here. So, Fight or Bend Over

    Minority Rule Is Here. So, Fight or Bend Over

    Sorry to be so blunt, but the perpetrators of minority rule have America right where they want it. The king-like American rulers can now plunder as they see fit. Among this ruling minority, there is no meaningful respect for mankind or sharing of the bounty. Subservient politicians just go along and need never work too…

  • Being Pro-Palestinian Is Antisemitism Only to the State of Israel

    Being Pro-Palestinian Is Antisemitism Only to the State of Israel

    Being pro-Palestinian is antisemitism only to the state of Israel. Plus of course, Israel’s propaganda succeeds in convincing many that to acknowledge Palestine is to be against Israel. It is just not true and not right. Historically, people have given the Israeli government the benefit of the doubt, and given them leeway in the shadow…

  • Questions Lost and Found in the Face of Tyranny

    Questions Lost and Found in the Face of Tyranny

    Americans are looking at the face of tyranny. People who think it goes away by simply re-electing Biden and getting rid of Netanyahu need to consider the full picture. Biden might be the lesser-of-evils, but his business-as-usual is still a step further into tyranny. The modern face of tyranny started taking shape with the Nazi…