For eighty years, Israel has been a test-bed for all things fascist and imperial. The Israel assault in Palestine is still hot as hell. But it’s down to just glowing embers with nothing in sight to feed the fire. It is not just that there is very little left to destroy or kill; settler colonialism is showing signs of dying out.
Settler colonialism started to fail with the breakdown of the British empire. However, after WWII, the current Israel project surfaced as a devious last hurrah. Now finally, the beginning of the end is coming clear. Good news, yes, but it is slow and complicated.
On settler colonialism, Professor Emeritus Richard says “it ends with us”, referring to the US-Israel eradication of Palestine. An article from Brave New Europe tracked the history and analyzed Wolff’s work, concluding that “The last stand of colonialism by Israel will go down as the most brutal of all, complete with genocide and almost every war-crime possible.” He points out that American leaders are starting to see the end game.
This video is less than a minute.
Settler colonialism is dying but Trump is all in and can only play it out. Today, Trump said “Gaza should get a fresh piece of land.” That means they are trying to figure out what to do with the ones they failed to exterminate. Plus, they know there is still “money on the table.”
Settler colonialism spawned the ongoing Palestine genocide, and it is hurting every corner of the world
Of course, Trump’s first official guest is Netanyahu, the world’s most desperate fascist. Corporate media did not mention the special precautions he had to take to keep from getting arrested in flight.

Since the US leadership cannot admit colonialism, neither can they fess up to imperial world changes. They don’t want to see the new silk road or BRICS. This gets to the core of America’s geo-political rot, these interrelated points. Sadly, America’s divide-and-conquer game abroad has now turned directly on the American people. Fascism dies hard.
Israel’s fantastical irony of fascism

Jewish families and Jewish people the world over know the discord and division the state of Israel heaps upon them. With blessing of the US government, Israel routinely infests American campuses under false claims of antisemitism. Zionism has evolved to be openly fascist in nature, and is instrumental to the Christian nationalism cult.
Netanyahu and Trump just said they have to “finish the job”, Palestinians have to “permanently get out”, and they (US-Israel) “will build it back as they see fit.” And, American troops will be deployed “if it’s necessary.” So, American tax-payers unwillingly paid for the death and destruction, and we are expected to pay for the rebuilding, which will be for the oligarchy-fascist interests. Settler colonialism in action.