In bad faith, conniving deviant forces have taken advantage of Christianity. Call it bad faith, or evangelism of a certain bent, or most directly – Christian nationalism. Everyone needs to know the travails under which Christianity is suffering, again as always for purposes of fortune and racism.
Under bad faith efforts, democracy is both a tool and on track to be road-kill. This bad faith manipulation is against the teachings and modeling of Jesus Christ. How far today’s version of this age-old conundrum might go, nobody knows. For example, Christian nationalism practitioners say they are justified, given their sacred special relationship with God, to do anything necessary to keep their version of God and country. In fact, they contend they are legitimate and righteous to overthrow of the government. Their street-level logic: “we are good and you are evil, so join us or be taken down.” They have openly advocated for martial law. Plus, SCOTUS is actively resetting the delicate balance between church and state to serve the interests of this bad faith.
The best 90 minutes you can spend to understand this Christian tragedy
The bad faith at issue, what the video is about, is Christian nationalism. Christian nationalism has been around for centuries. But, in America these last decades, it has become rampant and is unprecedented in its power. It has systematically weakened, and now threatens to take out, both democracy and mainstream Christianity. Bad faith leaders readily say this is the point, that is exactly their agenda. So, thinking caring people of all persuasions need to see this existential threat for what it is.

The video is straightforward and well made. It shows the transformational arc that started with Regan. The line of bad faith treachery carries on through the January 6th 2021 assault on the capitol, and into this election year’s politics.
So, if you love or respect Jesus, or if you love this country, you need to know about bad faith; that is, Christian nationalism. If you are curious, or want to understand what is going on, this video will help you. The video is an excellent way to learn the basics of this scourge upon God and the land.
Theocracy: a deadly dual threat against both democracy and all other religions, including most Christianity
The powerful merchants of bad faith are dead set on theocracy to justify their racist and power aspirations. It is not a new game. And, they laugh at an awareness-building effort like this, so strong the leaders are, and so self-righteous and brainwashed are the followers. Now they are openly using artificial intelligence (AI) to control and build their minions. The forces tearing apart our democracy and the Christian faith have never been more frightening or powerful.
To your face they will confront you, “so what?” They proudly say they are the Christian Taliban and tell you to “gun up”, because they are. Mass shooters have espoused Christian nationalist motivations. White Christian nationalist rhetoric helped fuel the deadly rally in Charlottesville.

There is no compromise, no room for democratic principles in the theocratic nation envisioned by the Christian nationalist forces. Democracy must stand against Christian nationalism or be eradicated.
The Christian nationalism story
Paul Weyrich was the prime architect of bad faith, Christian nationalism. He was a religious zealot and republican political strategist who created a voting block of angry Americans, and quickly realized he could transform America through them. Weyrich brought together Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and created the Moral Majority. From the time of Reagan, Weyrich was wielding political power through the evangelical voting block he created. Some called it the Christian political machine. One woman recounts how she had to become a republican in order to be a Christian. Another man said the GOP became recognized as God’s political party. Through all they are openly racist.
In 1980, Weyrich and his growing band started turning their attention to the Supreme Court. SCOTUS ruled that segregation is not a charitable institution. This threatened Christian nationalism’s tax-free status. Hence, the abortion issue was created, a ruse to get the same result, tax free.
The video calls out a 2001 manifesto written by Weyrich’s mentee Eric Heubeck at the Free Congress Foundation, a right-wing think tank Weyrich founded. In order to revive the “defeatist” conservative populace, Heubeck wrote, “we will not try to reform institutions. We only intend to weaken them, and eventually destroy them.” An excerpt from the manifesto:

Bad faith is seeking total control of the culture and government
Of course, traditional Christian leaders say character matters. But the Christian nationalist romance with Trump has changed that sect’s outlook and expectations. They made it easy to be “sort of” Christian, while critics say they have diluted the Christian faith and its meaning.
Trump vows to meet goals of specific religious organizations in exchange for their votes. Tit for tat. It is not that the consortium of predatory groups, led by the Council for National Policy, agree with him. They use him as a tool. The Council brags of presenting their agenda to Trump in the Oval Office.
Christian nationalism is a multifaceted operation of tremendous sophistication. Unchecked, they will enshrine a certain Christian identity as the law of the land. They have open disdain for separation of church and state. The religious right says they are righteous to dominate all aspects of society, even if they are a minority. They laughingly say God expects them to hold dominion over the less favored. Their views on dominion and the accumulation of wealth are justified through a form of Calvinism. They see income disparity as a gesture of God’s will to the favored. They use a company called Gloo, whose AI trolls social media targeting vulnerable people.
Today’s bad faith nitty-gritty
Christian nationalism was a galvanizing force on January 6th, 2021, and they stepped up afterward to “stop the steal.” This assault was the culmination of a long-term plan to eliminate democracy in order to institute a theocracy.
Christian nationalists are better prepared and more committed than ever. They are stronger and more desparate. As they warn, “Make no mistake about it. We are talking about Christianizing America.”
Bad faith forces are asking for a license to discriminate against anyone who does not accept their sect’s practices or of whom they disapprove. “For some it is a cause for alarm. For others it is the answer to their prayers.” They (including notably certain Congress people) are quick to use theatrical anger. They espouse there is no way of coming together; that they cannot unify with others.
Christian awareness and resistance to bad faith Christian nationalism
At every turn, and in the final analysis, there is nothing Christian or Christ-like about Christian nationalism. This is a well-planned, highly organized, tightly executed plan that has reaped billions of dollars and given strong control to its diabolic leaders. They openly use democratic freedoms to take down the country, tax free. Yet, they present themselves as patriots. Lately, lovers of Christ and American democracy are catching on. You can ask, where are the Christians on this vital issue.
Christians can ill-afford to get comfortable with the Christian nationalism. The founder of the nonprofit group Interfaith America, Eboo Patel, says “the big idea of Christian nationalism is that God made America for Christians, and not all Christians, but a particular kind of white Christian with a particular theology and a particular worldview.”
“They have their Trump but not their Jesus,” Reverand William Barber says, a man who has been fighting Christian nationalism for many years. He points out how religion has been used over time to fuel or justify atrocities. Reverand Barber says we are at a moral constitutional moment. His hope: “Many who have put on the mask of Christian nationalism will take it off and be born again.”
Maybe Christian nationalism is already waging civil war
Bad faith talks in terms of a holy war to reclaim the United States for God. Certainly, some see it as civil war. They foment white Christian people into believing there is an enemy out there who is coming for them. This big block of people got especially worked up in fear and anger through the eight years of Obama.
Christian nationalism is fixated on guns, they need guns, all the way to defending against demonics. The sacred realm they envision justifies anything. So, they have taken their stance to defeat evil. They rebuffed efforts to address their activities as domestic terrorism. Their bad faith behavior is far outside the tenants of a representative democracy. Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.
They have a proxy leader Trump, a magnificent propaganda machine, and employ the cynacism of the elites as needed. Plus, they have engineered a relentless assault on individual rights through the SCOTUS they own. Trump’s unique cleverness is manipulating a dependable band of rogues, who actually like him.
God be with us all
A thread of Christian nationalism has infected the political conscience of America. It is indefensible as the Christianity that helped build the country, and it is anti-democratic. They say they will prevail because they are the disproportionally organized and committed group. Remember, as was said in the video, the worst evils never present themselves as evil; they always present themselves as the good.

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