Remarkable Jews & Allies Never Give Up – Stop the Genocide

Detroit Jews and Allies say STOP THE GENOCIDE, depicted by children

Detroit Jews and their allies stood – and then laid down – to demand a stop to the genocide in Gaza. They did this on December 22nd starting at 10AM, in front of the Zekelman Holocaust Museum. They then marched to the intersection of 12 Mile and Orchard Lake Roads in Farmington Hills, where some laid down and stopped traffic.

This protest happened on the 77th day since the Hamas attack, as the announcement came that twenty thousand Palestinians had died during the conflict. This Metro Detroit protest was attended by about thirty-five people. Though the turnout in the cold and rain was not huge, peace advocates successfully delivered an important message. Cars honked in appreciation.

Featured speakers included child holocaust survivor René Lichtman, descendants of holocaust survivors, and other humanitarians. Their tagline was “NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE”. They clearly called for a permanent ceasefire. Sponsors included the Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, and Not in Our Name. Merci Decker was a lead coordinator.

Action to Stop the Genocide
Rene Lichtman laying down to stop the genocide

Rene Lichtman, a Jew, and Nabil Sater, an Arab, were the first to lay down in the street, and the last to get up. They laid on red material to signify the spilled blood. Above, Lichtman waves a white towel as did the Jewish hostages who were recently slain by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Holocaust descendent Hannah Manela was an eloquent and passionate speaker. For example, this young woman expressed revulsion that “Israel is a strategically armed ally being exploited by the West”.

Many Jews do not support the ongoing bombing and slaughter; it’s more than those whose family members were taken hostage on October 7th. Please consider Jews who are horrified by rightwing Israeli self-righteousness, who refuse to be silent. The Israel machine under Netanyahu puts out its own form of McCarthyism.

The Farmington Hills Police Department did a remarkable job of allowing the protest, while preserving and facilitating safety. Sergeant Saad was visible and effective in coordinating. Thanks for their excellent public service.

Detroit Jews and Arabs Together for Peace

René Lichtman, on the left, survived the Holocaust outside of Paris. Nabil Sater, on the right, grew up in Beirut, Lebanon. Call their relationship poetic justice, or walking the talk. Nabil read the Rafaat Alareer poem in Arabic.