Love All Juveniles – Help Stop Michigan’s Life Without Parole

picture and request for help banning juvenile life without parole in Michigan

Michigan ranks first in the nation for the largest number of people sentenced to life without parole when they were children. The majority of the people who have received this “death” sentence — more than 70% — have been children of color.

Pending House Bills 4160-4164 and Senate Bills 119-123 Will Stop This Inhumane Practice

If passed, this package of bills will abolish life without parole (LWOP) sentences for Michigan minors. It would make our state the twenty-eighth state to end the inhumane practice.

The bills recognize the concept of redemption and allow justice-impacted children to receive term-of-year sentences. This approach provides them meaningful and achievable release consideration later in their adult lives based on demonstrated behavior and rehabilitation. Children would still be held fully accountable for their actions. However, they would not be condemned to die in prison for a tragic mistake they made when they were mentally and emotionally underdeveloped.

Please Help Stop Death in Prison for Michigan Minors by Signing This Petition

About 1,700 people have so far signed an important petition promoting House Bills 4160-4164 and Senate Bills 119-123. Each time a person signs the petition, an email is sent to their respective Michigan State Representative and Senator, expressing support for the bills.

Please sign this petition and ask others to do the same. You will be signing and promoting House Bills 4160-4164 and Senate Bills 119-123. Your support is needed and much appreciated!

Senator Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) who introduced the bill. He said, “We shouldn’t turn our backs on juvenile offenders and throw away the key. Instead, we should ensure that Michigan’s juvenile justice system provides a chance for rehabilitation, reintegration, and redemption.”

There exists a growing national campaign to end the practice of sentencing children to LWOP. Law enforcement, victims’ families, mental health experts, and child welfare advocates have endorsed the Statement of Principles for the Fair Sentencing of Youth.