Fondly remember the great Christian man, Jimmy Carter. His funeral today put another item on his long list of lessons for fruitful life and decency. By simple contrast to our living presidents, Carter shined a light on the moral turpitude and indecency that infects our politics. Anyone who looked openly saw this.
Jimmy Carter was selfless and humanely constructive to the extent that he would not mind himself being contrasted with others of his political stature, not when it is for productive purpose. Rest in peace for eternity, James Earl Carter. You are indeed, admired as one of America’s better angels.
An unspoken but important Jimmy Carter contribution
All of Carter’s work for equality and fairness and world peace was a function of his Christian-based character. As Christianity is reshaped and mis-directed as a political tool, usually against science, let us not forget that Jimmy Carter was also a nuclear physicist. He helps dispel the myth that Christianity is anti-science. In a better world, we could stop to see this.
Carter was a monumental changing of the guard, because he was the last moral president. Contrast him with Biden. More than any single living politician, Biden has brought America to its current dysfunctional state, and failed to protect the people. So, Biden is another changing of the guard – the one who enabled moral turpitude to be the wide open norm, the one blind even to genocide. In the last dire days of his administration, Biden could only take victory laps. All the living presidents, “foamed the runway” for Trump tyranny.
We need a new Jimmy Carter
When both the democracy and Christianity have been cannibalized by the anointed leaders and their oligarch owners, especially when it seems there is no recourse, we yearn for ethical leadership. So, this makes Carter attractive.
Mr. Carter was truly exceptional in terms of character and compassion. But, even in 1980, those qualities didn’t get him too far. Politically, Carter fell hard into Regan’s Iran hostage trap. Since that day, big oil has been undermining the Mideast peace foundation he built.
Carter said our country’s most important tenet, our source of enduring strength, is our treatment of equality. He stood for income and racial equality, coming out against Jim Crow in the South. Simple yet complex, he was enlightened and inspiring, through deep love and kindness.

Carter showed character in communities and neighborhoods, leading by example. People of Detroit saw his leadership and appreciated him.
Narcissistic sociopaths, like our living presidents, cannot sit still for a funeral
The corporate media tried to spin the presidential behavior at the funeral as some beautiful coming-together in a kumbha yah moment. Such irreverence is the tip of the antisocial iceberg they ride. Maybe they were good people once upon a time, but not after succumbing to power.
The living presidents demonstrated little or no real respect or care for Jimmy Carter. It was a photo opportunity, if awkward and obligatory. They did their deeds, declared their wins, and moved on – as is the standard for folks of their cut.
To make it simple, ask yourself whether you could leave your child with any of the living presidents? The unbiased answer: probably not, not unless you had to. That is not the case with Carter, who was trustworthy in all regards.
Jimmy Carter put the cabal presidents of our time in sharp relief. Thank you again, Mr. Carter.