Daring Greatly is a bestseller that helps people gain practical insights on how to be themselves.
It’s categorized as self-help. However, the help available via Daring Greatly is based on being connected with others. The concepts are applicable across personal and social contexts.
I broke a house rule because of Daring Greatly. I could not resist highlighting passages. Then I became a bit alarmed that I was highlighting most of the book. It was just that good for me personally.

Daring Greatly is one of the books written by Brown, all drawing on her substantial research and experience. Her work encourages you to come to grips with vulnerability, and instructs how to productively use it. It will empower you.
You will learn that vulnerability is not a weakness, that we all experience it, and that channeling it can be of great benefit.
Brown gives practical insights into the way scarcity drives us, culturally and individually. The book really made me think. For example, I was plunging through Daring Greatly, welcoming revelations about my mysterious self. I was reading fast to not take too much precious time. But wait. Was I, even in the reading, caught up in time scarcity that hampers me most all the time?
A core principle of vulnerability is becoming better connected, and this could help both prisoners and their families. Prisoners show heightened propensity to succumb to shame and guilt. Justice is a ripe opportunity for the application of vulnerability.
As usual, I review only content that I recommend. The book requires attentive reading and will call on you for self-examination. Brown’s work is available in various venues/media, such YouTube and Ted Talks.